Are baikal guns able to be dated buy their serial number?If so when would a model 58,with the prefix KA likely to have been made? If i remember rightly the the later model of baikal the where all the serial number are numbers, the first 2 numbers are the manufacture year.
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Umarex Boys Club Forum General Shooting Airgun Shooting Makarov Related Can we talk about the Baikal Makarov MP-654K Moderators: whiteleaves, Vyand, BigRedJ. Apr 26, 2019 If i remember rightly the the later model of baikal the where all the serial number are numbers, the first 2 numbers are the manufacture year. Going by the low serial number (the KBI applied one at the rear of the slide.A000.), that is one of the earlier IJ-70s imported into the US.
Going by the low serial number (the KBI applied one at the rear of the slide.A000***), that is one of the earlier IJ-70s imported into the US. It also has the rounded slide release lever like the original military PM instead of the flat, bent lever like makarov380acp's pistol has. Pro100 545 torrent.
It's early enough that I don't see the english marking of either Ishvesk or IMEZ on the slide. (Both of those names refer to the same plant.just different markings).
I've got one early IJ-70 marked similarly. I've also got a couple of IJ-70A variants in.380 like mak380 has posted. One from 1994 that is Ishvesk marked. The other is IMEZ marked and I think I bought it in 1998. Otherwise, they're identical. The East German Suhl Maks are the best of the best.
Baikal Makarov Serial Numbers Today
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Good steel and excellent workmanship. Next in quality are the Bulgarian Maks. Good steel and decent workmanship. The Russian military and commercial (IJ-70) Maks are about equal in workmanship but I'm still positive they used a softer steel or just fudged on heat-treating the internals on the commercials. I've never seen a Norinco (Chinese) Mak so I can't say how they are. Doesn't matter what country they're from, they're great little shooters!

I'm surprised when I hear that folks are still paying $300 or so for the IJ-70 Maks. I was buying them new for $120 in the '90s.
But I guess I'd probably pay $300 for another one too if I found a nice one. The IJ-70s are not as good of quality as the military PMs but are still darned good little pistols considering their pricetag. The steel is softer than the military PMs that I've seen.
Baikal Makarov Serial Numbers Lookup
I will admit that it did take around 7500 rounds through that 1999 IJ-70 before the sear/hammer was worn so bad that it just had a horrible trigger. A couple of replacement parts and it's still alive as a backup trail pistol. It was common to replace the internals (sear, hammer, disconnector, etc) on the IJ-70s and Bulgarians with East German Mak parts when they were still available.
This also allowed the slide to be cycled to clear the action with the safety applied. • The Firearms Forum is on online community for all gun enthusiasts. Join us to discuss firearms of all kinds, gun accessories, legal issues and more. Membership is free and we welcome all types of shooters, whether you're a novice or a pro. Come for the info, stay and make some friends. • Site Functions • • • • • Useful Links • • • • • • Support the site! We work hard to bring the best Firearms Forum has to offer!
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This might help some: Then compare to pictures here for a general format by country: Remember, Bulgie surplus dates are the first two numbers +60 and the EGs are dated by year 58 to 65. If you run across a way to date IJ-70s (sans manual) and Chinese type 59 ZZs by the serial number, please let me know. Using advanced search on GunBoards can give one a virtual plethora of info to glean from.:thumbsup. :) Serial # prefixes, generally considered lot codes, don't get a lot of discussion because the commies kept production numbers to themselves.
The East Germans kept good records, but the published list for EG Mak prefixes is incomplete, as examples show up not listed. Without representing a number of guns produced in that lot; and the year of manufacture marked on the weapon, the prefixes are just 'there'. Cyrillic is cool to see on some examples, but I don't know what it means on a Makarov, so my brain just falls asleep. Ran across this info from some notes from there is also an example of an EG with a 'DD' prefix; not listed, probably others (dated list). Note that this table is not complete and there appears to be a sequential pattern, so don't panic if yours doesn't fit into the ones listed. East German production codes Production year Letter Code 1958 S 1959 J, K, L, N, U 1960 B, F, G, H, M, T 1961 AP*,AR, AS, AQ, AT, AU, AV, AW, AX, AY, AZ 1962 BR, BT, BU, BV, BW, BX, BY, BZ 1963 DA, DB, DE, DF, DH, DK, DL, DP, BO, BP 1964 ES, ET, EV, EX, EZ 1965 ER, FB, FH, FF * One person noted that his gun was marked 'AP' and '62,' so there appear to be inconsistencies. China Not terribly much is known about these, except that they were brought in as Norinco Model 59.
Russian Makarov Serial Numbers
Not many are available, so they often command a premium over other Makarovs. On the whole, the quality of these is not as good as some of the others, but there have been notable exceptions.
Baikal Makarov Serial Numbers Search
Very rarely you may run across a Type 59 with an Arsenal mark (number) in a triangle. Most common found are 56 and 66. These were Military pistols that were remarked and packed for Commercial Export. A Chinese Makarov with 'SHI' mark is of Military issue, and normally if found in the USA means it was a War Trophy 'bring Back' from some conflict, and commands a Premium price. Bulgaria The Bulgarian Arsenal Makarovs are the only ones that are currently being imported into the country. Miltex had an exclusivity agreement with Arsenal before they decided to get out of the small arms business. Many other Bulgarian Makarovs are out on the market including some military surplus.