Power of Chaos: Yugi the Destiny is the first Yu-Gi-Oh! Game for PC and the first of the three Power of Chaos games. This first game includes 155 cards, most of which are from Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon and Starter Deck: Yugi, two are from Metal Raiders, one is from Spell Ruler, another is from Tournament Pack: 3rd Season and the other is from Starter Deck: Pegasus. Power of Chaos is a virtual adaptation of the popular card game called Yu-Gi-Oh!, which comes from the popular anime series with the same title. The authors of this production have made every effort to ensure that it perfectly reproduces all aspects of real gameplay (rules, etc.), making it a great tool for training beginners who want.
'Kaiba The Revenge is a stand alone game, not an expansion, meaning, you can just buy it and install it and play it by itself. If you have Yugi The Destiny installed, it will even bring your card collection over, making the total collectible cards to about a whopping 500. Now that's a lot of cards to collect. However, this is the where another problem crops up.
You can use your cards from Yugi The Destiny in Kaiba The Revenge, but not vice versa.
Konami has included a Yugi Update to update your Yugi The Destiny to version 2.0, but I don't see any differences in it. Worse, your precious deck will be switched back to the default deck, so you will have to reconstruct it again.'
Changes in version 2.0 are:
- increase/decrease the attack/defense values are changed
- The round-counter for 'Swords Of Revealing Light' are changed
- Names of won cards are shown above the card in your language
- Voice is now in own language
Others changes i can't find until now.

Power Of Chaos Download

Yu Gi Oh Power Of Chaos Yugi The Destiny Patch 2.0 Download

If you haven't played Yu-Gi-Oh!: Power of Chaos - Yugi the Destiny or want to try this strategy video game, download it now for free! Published in 2003 by Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc., Yu-Gi-Oh!: Power of Chaos - Yugi the Destiny is still a popular anime / manga title amongst retrogamers, with a whopping 4.5/5 rating.