Cracking Password Hashes: Hashcat is a powerful password recovery tool that is included in Kali Linux. Hashcat supports many different hashing algorithms such as Microsoft LM hashes, MD4, MD5, SHA, MySQL, Cisco PIX, Unix Crypt formats, and many more hashing algorithms. Hashcat is the World’s fastest and most advanced password recovery utility. The MD2 Message-Digest Algorithm is a cryptographic hash function developed by Ronald Rivest in 1989. The algorithm is optimized for 8-bit computers. MD2 is specified in RFC 1319. Although MD2 is no longer considered secure, even as of 2010, it remains in use in public key infrastructures as part of certificates generated with MD2 and RSA. This password contains 13 characters but launching my password cracker on the NT hash is a waste of time and there is a poor chance of success. Note: 13 characters: 1 number + 12 case-sensitives letters = 2^12 = 4096 choices (DAMN IT, I cannot test them all manually).
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